She made sure to silence all notifications from the account. (image: selfie of ladybug and chat noir at the eiffel tower during a sunset, both smiling, ladybug holding up a peace sign, chat holding up a peace sign behind her head making it look like bunny ears) l4dy.bug i really envy the person who has the username lady.bug

she created her account nicely and posted a picture when she was finished, following a few people, making sure to steer clear from her people she knew following the ladyblog page instead of alya. she used a fake name to create the account just to be sure, even made a ladybug email. Soon she found herself going to her instagram settings and pressing ‘add account’ where she created an instagram for her alter ego. she decided to give up on sleeping at 9 am and talked to tikki about the instagram for a bit.

maybe he was right? she felt strangely about it and quietly thanked the calendar that the coming morning was saturday. he could be jeopardizing his identity and he didn’t seem to care? he said it was all in good fun. She went home from patrol more confused than angry and couldn’t sleep that night, restless just thinking about chat noir’s instagram. she had brought it up with him and he shrugged it off, saying he was bored when he made it. she had already seen chat noir’s instagram page when she was scrolling through her explore page, she had thought it was a joke until she had seen he was verified and had nearly 10 million followers. so the people of paris (and anyone else who was interested) would be able to look into the lives of the superheroes that protected them. She had let chat noir talk her into getting ladybug an instagram, just for fun really.

but she couldn’t.Ĭhat noir’s bitmoji popped up above her keyboard, it stared up at her for a few moments before a thinking bubble popped up above it, indicating that he was typing. marinette trusted chat noir with her life, she knew he would never make her do something she didn’t want to and she could shut off her phone right now and go to bed. | bugaboo !! its not necessary but its up | honestly its okay if u dont wanna do it she hesitantly unlocked her phone read the message, she stared at the ‘new chat’ icon for a few seconds, going over all her life choices leading up to this moment before opening the chat before she could talk herself out of it. Well, maybe she wasn’t under the influence of just sleep deprivation. she pressed the notification list and the previous notification became visible underneath the new one. before she could look at it properly another one popped up, hiding the last one behind it. she sharply inhaled and pulled her phone to look at the new notification. that was until she felt a vibration against her chest.

and for a moment she relaxed, the sight of her resting kwamii made her feel at peace. there was no sound in the room except her heavy breathing, trying to find a distraction, she glanced over at tikki who was fast asleep.
Marinette exhaled quietly trying to calm her nerves, using her free hand to push her bangs out of the way of her sweaty forehead. for starters it was nearly midnight and she hadn’t slept properly in days, she couldn’t let her decisions be influenced by sleep deprivation. marinette sighed and locked her phone, bringing it to her chest, this was a bad idea. but as she stared down at the bird themed app she couldn’t help but feel tense. there was absolutely no reason for her to be as nervous as she was right now. Stats: Published: Updated: Words: 5602 Chapters: 2/? Comments: 26 Kudos: 278 Bookmarks: 25 Hits: 3241